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30 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice dan Rumusnya

contoh kalimat passive voice

30 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice dan Rumusnya – Kalimat passive voice adalah sebuah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu tindakan dilakukan pada subjek.

Dalam kalimat passive voice, subjek dari kalimat tersebut bukanlah pelaku aktivitas, melainkan objek dari aktivitas tersebut.

Contoh sederhananya seperti bahasa Indonesia. Yang diawali dengan “me” kebanyakan kalimat aktif. Sedangkan kalimat pasif umumnya dimulai dengan “di”.


  • Andi menanam pohon rambutan (Aktif)
  • Pohon rambutan ditanam oleh Andi (Pasif)

Perhatikan perbedaan dari dua kalimat tersebut. Menanam, dan ditanam. “Me” dan “Di”.

Penerapan ini sama dengan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris.

Well, mari kita pelajari kalimat passive voice bahasa Inggris, rumus beserta contoh pada artikel ini!

Rumus Passive Voice

Rumus passive voice biasanya dibentuk dengan menambahkan kata kerja “to be” (dalam bentuk kata kerja kerja “be” + past participle dari kata kerja utama) setelah subjek, dan mengganti objek menjadi subjek.


  • Aktif: John menulis surat. (John writes the letter)
  • Pasif: Surat ditulis oleh John. (The letter is written by John)

Rumus umum passive voice adalah:

Object + “to be” + (past participle form of main verb) + by + subject


Object + “to be” + (past participle form of main verb)

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Dalam kalimat pasif tidak perlu menyertakan siapa yang melakukan tindakan tersebut, karena yang diutamakan adalah objek yang menerima tindakan.

30 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice yang Biasa Digunakan Dalam Percakapan Sehari-hari

  1. The book is read by the students. (Buku dibaca oleh siswa-siswi)
  2. The letter was sent by her. (Surat dikirim oleh dia)
  3. The cake was baked by her mother. (Kue dibuat oleh ibunya)
  4. The car is being repaired by the mechanic. (Mobil sedang diperbaiki oleh mekanik)
  5. The flowers are watered by the gardener. (Bunga-bunga dibersihkan oleh tukang kebun)
  6. The dog is walked by the boy. (Anjing ditaman oleh anak laki-laki)
  7. The window was broken by the stone. (Jendela dirusak oleh batu)
  8. The letter was written by me. (Surat ditulis oleh saya)
  9. The table is being made by the carpenter. (Meja sedang dibuat oleh tukang kayu)
  10. The song is being sung by the choir. (Lagu sedang dinyanyikan oleh paduan suara)
  11. The food is being cooked by the chef. (Makanan sedang diolah oleh koki)
  12. The party is being planned by the committee. (Pesta sedang direncanakan oleh komite)
  13. The mistake was realized by the teacher. (Kesalahan diketahui oleh guru)
  14. The game is played by the children. (Permainan dimainkan oleh anak-anak)
  15. The book was borrowed by the student. (Buku dipinjam oleh siswa)
  16. The shoes are being polished by the shoe shiner. (Sepatu sedang dipoles oleh tukang poles sepatu)
  17. The picture is being painted by the artist. (Lukisan sedang digambar oleh pelukis)
  18. The letter is being typed by the secretary. (Surat sedang diketik oleh sekretaris)
  19. The building is being constructed by the workers. (Gedung sedang dibangun oleh pekerja)
  20. The car is driven by the driver. (Mobil dikemudikan oleh supir)
  21. The house is being cleaned by the maid. (Rumah sedang dibersihkan oleh pembantu)
  22. The food is being served by the waiter. (Makanan sedang disajikan oleh pelayan)
  23. The letter was delivered by the postman. (Surat diterima oleh pengantar surat)
  24. The computer is being repaired by the technician. (Komputer sedang diperbaiki oleh teknisi)
  25. The letter is being written by the writer. (Surat sedang ditulis oleh penulis)
  26. The garden is being tended by the gardener. (Taman sedang dikelola oleh tukang kebun)
  27. The report is being prepared by the student. (Laporan sedang disiapkan oleh siswa)
  28. The question is being answered by the teacher. (Pertanyaan sedang dijawab oleh guru)
  29. The homework is being checked by the teacher. (Tugas sedang diperiksa oleh guru)
  30. The song is being composed by the musician. (Lagu sedang diciptakan oleh musisi)
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Itu adalah 30 contoh kalimat passive voice beserta terjemahannya yang umum digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.

Perlu diingat bahwa passive voice digunakan terutama untuk menyampaikan informasi objek yang menerima tindakan, bukan pelakunya. Namun dalam bahasa Inggris, penggunaan kalimat passive voice sangat jarang digunakan dibandingkan dengan kalimat aktif.

Contoh Paragraf Passive Voice

  1. The flowers were planted by the gardener last week. They are now being watered every day to ensure their growth. The garden is visited by many people who appreciate the beauty of the blooming flowers. The garden is also maintained by a team of dedicated workers who make sure that it is always in top condition.
  2. The new building is being constructed on the edge of the city. The project is managed by a reputable construction company and is being supervised by experienced engineers. The materials used for the construction are of the highest quality and are being sourced from reliable suppliers. The building is expected to be completed within the next few months and will be occupied by a large corporation.
  3. The cake was baked by the chef for the party last night. It was decorated with fresh fruits and cream, and was praised by all the guests for its delicious taste. The party was organized by a committee of volunteers and was attended by a large number of people. The music played at the party was selected by a professional DJ and was enjoyed by everyone who was there.
  4. The car was hit by a truck on the highway last night. The accident was caused by the truck driver’s negligence and was witnessed by several other drivers. The car was severely damaged in the accident and is now being repaired at a local garage. The driver of the car was injured in the accident and was taken to the hospital for treatment.
  5. The report was prepared by the research team last month. It was based on extensive data collection and analysis, and was reviewed by several experts in the field. The findings of the report were presented at a conference and were well-received by the audience. The report is now being used by other researchers as a reference in their own studies.
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Well, semoga beberapa contoh kalimat passive voice di atas dapat membuat kalian lebih paham perbedaan antara kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam bahasa Inggris.

30 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice dan Rumusnya